Friday, July 26, 2024

Today in Texas History

Texas Flag

2015 - Shin-Soo Choo (Texas Rangers) hit for the cycle.

1845 - The U.S. flag was raised on St. Joseph Island by a detachment of United States troops. The troops had landed to protect Texas from Mexican interference after annexation. The main force landed on August 1.

1846 - John Baker Omohundro, also known as "Texas Jack", was born. He was a frontier scout, actor and cowboy. He is credited with introducing roping acts to the American stage.

1863 - Sam Houston died. Houston had opposed Texas' secession from the Union.

1887 - The Union Stock Yards were chartered in Fort Worth, which had earned the nickname "Cowtown" for its commerce in livestock.

Texas Quote

Much blood has been shed; but the battle is over: it was but a small affair.
- Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna after the fall of the Alamo

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