Personalized History Pages
Each Personalized History page is printed on a high quality parchment style paper. The events selected may or may not be currently listed on our public pages. Certain pages may be formatted differently based on the availability of content. The pages will be on 8½x11 paper. The page can be easily framed into an 8½x11 frame. It can also be matted and then framed into a 10x13 frame (1½ inches of matting on all sides) or an 11x14 frame (2 inches of matting on all sides).

If you choose we will add your personalized event information to the page. You must include the month, day and year below in the personalization section during the checkout process.

If you do not provide this information we will have to contact you for clarification...this will delay your order.

Day Version:
Click here to see a sample of the Day Version.

Year Version:
Click here to see a sample of the Year Version.

You can purchase My History Pages here.