Random Quotes
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. - Winston Churchill, My Early Life (1930)
I have really never considered myself a TV star. I always thought I was a neighbor who just came in for a visit. - Fred Rogers
Sports Quote
My family was so poor they couldn't afford kids. The lady next door had me. - Lee Trevino, golf pro
World War I Quote
"My darling one and beautiful, everything tends towards catastrophe and collapse" - British naval officer Winston Churchill, July 29, 1914
U.S. Civil War Quote
"I never felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper." - U.S. President Abraham Lincoln commented about signing the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.
Beatles Quote
"Do you remember when everyone began analyzing Beatle songs--I don't think I ever understood what some of them were supposed to be about." - Ringo Starr
Michael Jackson Quote
"I've seen lawyers who don't represent me and spokespeople who do not know me speaking for me. These characters always seem to surface with dreadful allegations just as another project, an album, a video is being released". - Michael Jackson, November 18, 2003 after a search warrant was served at Neverland Ranch.
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